Often, it has been noticed that after a few years, the garage floor becomes unsmooth and filled with gutters. This wear and tear of the floor happens because of the constant friction between the floor surface and the car tires. Since this is a common problem in most garages of Chicago, it is high time that the residents of Chicago either hire professional service providers of garage floor resurfacing Chicago or learn the process of floor resurfacing and do it on one’s own. But, of course, doing the first one is more manageable.
However, floor resurfacing can be conducted provided one is thoroughly aware of the process. Given below is applying epoxy coating (one of the vital steps) for garage floor resurfacing Chicago.
Step 1 – prep the garage floor
Use plastic or adhesive covering and stick it on the walls till the end so that the epoxy does not hamper the walls. To remove dirt and debris, sweep the floor thoroughly. Then, use an old brush to dust the seams and corners.
Step 2 – etch the floor
Mix the etching solution with water. Wear gloves, rubber boots and safety glasses for extra protection. Use a hosepipe to wet the floor. Pour the solution and use a bristle broom to spread it all over. Etch the floor in small sections and let it dry.
Step 3 – mix epoxy paint
Mix the epoxy paint and hardener and stir both gradually. To blend both thoroughly, the solution has to be continuously stirred for at least 3 minutes. After it has been combined, cover it and set it aside for 30 minutes.
Step 4 – paint with the epoxy mixture
The epoxy solution, when ready, must be used within two hours. While working, make sure the garage has proper ventilation as the chemicals may emit some gas. Next, pour the epoxy into a roller tray. Finally, use a paintbrush that fits the epoxy tray so that taking the paint and applying it does not create any problem.
Step 5 – roll the epoxy paint
Move to one corner that is farthest from the exit door. Now, start rolling a 10/10 section with the epoxy paint. The epoxy may appear sticky and greasy. Once a section is completed, rewet the roller and start the roller over a new area.
Step 6 – apply color flakes
While applying the top coat of the paint, stop at every section to sprinkle the color flakes. The color flakes should be distributed evenly. After the entire floor is coated with color flakes, let it dry for 12 to 24 hours.
Step 7 – prep the topcoat
Pour the hardener on the dry top coat of the garage floor and stir it for 3 minutes to get blended with the topcoat, and do not touch it for 30 minutes.
Step 8 – Apply the topcoat
For applying the topcoat, use a clean paintbrush that is trimmed well at the edges. Then, start applying the milky white topcoat in one direction and let it dry for 24 hours. Then, the garage floor resurfacing Chicago is ready!
Although professionals in Chicago who handle floor resurfacing can be called, following the steps mentioned above will deliver the best garage floor resurfacing.