Do Read This, If You Are a Military Member on PCS Move

For any military family, a PCS move is something that is inevitable since the military will frequently transfer the soldiers from one location to another. Therefore, every military member needs to remain updated so that during their PCS move the family may not be under tension.

You must be aware of various logistics that you will need during your movement and also the entire paperwork that is needed, whether it is related to your packing different items, unloading at destination, and maintaining various papers related to various expenses for which you will be paying from your pocket.

Also, you need to be proactive about your military car shipping POV since you will need your car when you arrive at your new place. Ship a Car, Inc. is one of the reliable and trusted transport brokers who offer their special attention and care for shipping cars for military employees to their new place.

The military will not take the responsibility for the service member’s car during a PCS if you are moving within the United States. So, you have got the choice of driving your car to your new destination or hire any car shipping service.

How you must prepare and implement your military PCS move

The following are a few step-by-step guides provided for the military employees to know how to implement their military PCS moves.

Step 1: First arrange a meeting with your transportation office

After you have received your PCS move orders, first arrange a meeting with your transportation office available in your present military base. Irrespective of whether you are working in the Army, Air force, Navy, or any Coast Guard branch, there will always be an office that will deal with relocation issues. While meeting, you must enquire about various available relocation options.

Step 2: Inform and also involve your family

Make sure to inform your family that you are going to move to a certain new location. They will also get involved in packing your entire belongings to ensure that no important items are left behind. Some of you also must be having your own pets that you may like to carry. Your family will ensure that every expensive item is packed properly.

Step 3: Choose your appropriate moving option

In case, you have enough budgets to fund all your shipping and moving expenses, you can prefer to go also for the PPM option. For moving many items, it will be better to use the military move and go for shipping your entire belongings at the cost of the military.

Step 4: Monitor your movers and also track your POV

Your car shipping can either be done by your own chosen private company or you can use military support. Whatever option that you choose, you must monitor your movers to track your privately owned vehicle.

Step 5: Check all your belongings and also POV upon delivery

If you do not coordinate your Military PCS vehicle shipping properly then it might lead to huge losses. Hence, you must check your belongings and POV when you receive them to ensure that no breakages or misplacements are noticed.